Global Header block

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Nunjucks syntax

Depending on your environment you'll want to use render or include. As a rule of thumb: server-side use include, precompiled browser use render. If you're using vf-eleventy you should use include.

Using include

You'll need to pass a context object from your code or Yaml file (example), as well as the path to the Nunjucks template. Nunjucks' include is an abstraction of render and provides some additional portability.

{% set context fromYourYamlFile %}
- or -
{% set context = {
  "exampleMultiColumns": "false",
  "component-type": "block",
  "global_logo": {
    "logo_href": "/",
    "image": "../../assets/vf-logo/assets/logo.svg",
    "logo_text": "Visual Framework for Life Science websites"
{% include "../path_to/vf-global-header/vf-global-header.njk" %}

Using render

This approach is best for bare-bones Nunjucks environments, such as precompiled templates with the Nunjucks slim runtime where include is not be available.

{% render '@vf-global-header', {
  "exampleMultiColumns": "false",
  "component-type": "block",
  "global_logo": {
    "logo_href": "/",
    "image": "../../assets/vf-logo/assets/logo.svg",
    "logo_text": "Visual Framework for Life Science websites"
} %}
<header class="vf-global-header">

  <a href="/" class="vf-logo | vf-logo--has-text">
    <img class="vf-logo__image" src="../../assets/vf-logo/assets/logo.svg" alt="Visual Framework for Life Science websites" loading="eager">
    <span class="vf-logo__text">Visual Framework for Life Science websites</span>

  <nav class="vf-navigation vf-navigation--global | vf-cluster">
    <ul class="vf-navigation__list | vf-list | vf-cluster__inner">
      <li class="vf-navigation__item">
        <a href="JavaScript:Void(0);" class="vf-navigation__link">Services</a>
      <li class="vf-navigation__item">
        <a href="JavaScript:Void(0);" class="vf-navigation__link">Research</a>
      <li class="vf-navigation__item">
        <a href="JavaScript:Void(0);" class="vf-navigation__link">Training</a>
      <li class="vf-navigation__item">
        <a href="JavaScript:Void(0);" class="vf-navigation__link">About us</a>



Installation info

This component is distributed with npm. After installing npm, you can install the vf-global-header with this command.

$ yarn add --dev @visual-framework/vf-global-header


The source files included are written in Sass(scss). You can point your Sass include-path at your node_modules directory and import it like this.

@import "@visual-framework/vf-global-header/index.scss";

Make sure you import Sass requirements along with the modules. You can use a project boilerplate or the vf-sass-starter




  • changes any set- style functions to cleaner version


  • Updates to expect vf-stack on the body.
  • Removes the backwards compatibility as we're at v3.x.
  • Tidies up and removes some unrequited CSS.


  • Removes padding.
  • Adds top margin for layout.


  • updates max-width of component
  • adds 'context' for the logo
  • removes text as you can make use of including text with the vf-logo


  • fixes layout issue so a logo will take the space it needs


  • add support for backwards compatibility with .vf-global-header 1.x's vf-global-header__inner
  • will be removed in vf-global-header 3.0


  • making a breaking change because of the HTML alterations


  • makes content wrap with flex-wrap
  • makes use of gap
  • adds spacing for browsers not supporting gap
  • move margin-left: auto to the vf-navigation--global component (v1.2.3 of vf-navigation)


  • removes left and right padding so we rely on the parent for horizontal spacing for better alignment


  • makes global header work on smaller screens
  • makes the layout wrap until 1024px


  • Removes bottom underline


  • vf-global-header-dependencies (e98d8b6)


File system location: components/vf-global-header

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